Elderly Care

Quality, Passionate Care For Your Aging Loved Ones in Their Own Home

Our elderly care services are tailored to your specific needs. We'll start by meeting with both clients and their friends and families to create a care plan that takes into account all of their needs. Once that care plan is in place, we'll monitor it on a regular basis to ensure that it's meeting the mutually agreed-upon objectives. This allows our clients to have some control over how their care is delivered.
Our Team of Dedicated and experienced Care providers is ready to take care of your loved ones, providing them with the best solutions to their problems while working hand-in-glove with othe healthcare professionals and nurses to ensure they smile at all times.

Based on individual needs, our services assist and support people with the following tasks and more:

Personal Hygiene & Upkeep

Personal Care

Getting Up and Going to bed

Routine Tasks


Meal Planning & Preparation


Self Medication

Light House Chores

Holidays & Outings


A You Looking for A Carer?

At GL.UK SOLUTIONS, we take pride in our caring, motivated and dedicated team. We provide fully-trained, experienced carers who have undergone screening and vetting to make sure your loved ones are in safe hands always. We take our corporate culture seriously and we make sure to give each new carer a comprehensive orientation to our core values: care, compliance, honesty and integrity as well as communication